Searching for Documents

Search Documents is a search operation that helps users retrieve documents with the help of index values. Users need not remember every value that is used to index a document to search for a document. However, the more search criteria entered, the faster the search and the more specific the search results.

When none of the search values are known, users can retrieve documents using Wildcard Search.

Users can store the index value used to search a document against a specific view using the Remember option. Enabling this option stores the search value in the system and displays the value when the same view is selected the next time. The system stores the search values temporarily until logout.

Users can also store all the search values entered against a specific view using the Remember All option. Enabling this option stores all search values in the system and displays the values when the same view is selected the next time. The system stores the search values temporarily until logout.

The Remember and Remember All options are also applicable for Advanced Search and Wildcard Search.

Users can search for documents by performing any of the following search operations:

  • Basic search

  • Advanced search

  • Wildcard search

When users click Search, the Search Results display the list of documents based on the search criteria entered by users. The number of documents available within each document, total pages, date, and other index details associated with the documents are displayed.